Monday, November 29, 2010

Sink the Bismarck!

The Bismarck went down on May 27th, 1941, a very close run thing as it turned out. She was only hours from safety under the Luftwaffe umbrella when she was stopped by the British.

And on November 23rd, 2010, the Naval Officers of BC, at their annual Surrender Day lunch, were treated to a presentation on the Bismarck by Dennis Molnar, a keen amateur historian. Remarkably, one of the members attending the lunch was John Moyneux, who was an able seaman in HMS Hood only months before the pride of the Royal Navy was sunk by the Bismarck.

Dennis Molnar, left, and John Molyneux at the Surrender Day lunch, held at the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club. "Surrender Day" marks the occasion when the German Grand Fleet surrendered to the Royal Navy in 1918 following the armistice.

The NOA of BC was founded in 1919 by a group of Canadian officers who had served in the Royal Navy.

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